Teen Leadership Council | Lavender Night


Join us for Lavender Night, the first ever queer teens night created by the Studio Museum’s Teen Leadership Council (TLC). Lavender Night is a safe space for queer teens to share their stories, meet other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and understand the positive ways that individuals with different experiences can come together and learn more about each other. For the event, TLC will host a storytelling game night in partnership with SAGE Center Harlem, which serves LGBT older adults from across the borough and throughout New York City.

Teen Program Funder Credits

ArtLooks is funded by an endowment established by the Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Trust.  inHarlem is made possible thanks to Citi; the Stavros Niarchos Foundation; and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Support for The Studio Museum in Harlem’s digital programs has been provided by the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation’s Frankenthaler Digital Initiative, the Open Society Foundations, and Art Bridges.

Studio Museum education programs are supported by the Thompson Foundation Education Fund; Llewellyn Family Foundation; Sony Music; Gray Foundation; Con Edison; May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation; and Joseph and Joan Cullman Foundation for the Arts.

Additional support is generously provided by The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Council.

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Teen Leadership Council | Lavender Night


Join us for Lavender Night, the first ever queer teens night created by the Studio Museum’s Teen Leadership Council (TLC). Lavender Night is a safe space for queer teens to share their stories, meet other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and understand the positive ways that individuals with different experiences can come together and learn more about each other. For the event, TLC will host a storytelling game night in partnership with SAGE Center Harlem, which serves LGBT older adults from across the borough and throughout New York City.

Teen Program Funder Credits

ArtLooks is funded by an endowment established by the Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Trust.  inHarlem is made possible thanks to Citi; the Stavros Niarchos Foundation; and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Support for The Studio Museum in Harlem’s digital programs has been provided by the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation’s Frankenthaler Digital Initiative, the Open Society Foundations, and Art Bridges.

Studio Museum education programs are supported by the Thompson Foundation Education Fund; Llewellyn Family Foundation; Sony Music; Gray Foundation; Con Edison; May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation; and Joseph and Joan Cullman Foundation for the Arts.

Additional support is generously provided by The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Council.

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